Year 4

Welcome to Year 4. This year the Year Four children will take an important step on their journey as they progress in their learning and independence towards the upper juniors. 


Y4W PE day is Monday

Y4O PE day is Monday

On Monday’s your child is to come to school in their outdoor PE kit:

  • Trainers
  • Navy or black jogging bottoms, leggings or shorts.
  • White polo T-shirt.
  • Navy jumper, cardigan or school logo sweatshirt/hoodie.

For further information please see our school uniform page


In Lower Juniors, children are starting to become more independent readers. However, children will still need to read /discuss the text with a parent on a regular basis to check their understanding of the book and improve reading skills. It is recommended that children read for 15-20 minutes every day at home. 

Year 4 reading structure:

Week A: Children will be given a new reading book and are to record their daily reading on their reading record card.  Please ensure the  pages read are noted down and signed by an adult. Children also need to complete two Reading Plus activities at home (reading not vocabulary). The reading record card is to be handed in on the following Thursday.

Week B: Children will be given a reading comment book and are expected to write a high-quality reading comment based on the book they are reading. To help with this a guidance sticker will be provided with a specific focus. This is your child’s writing homework, so it needs to be completed in pencil remembering handwriting, punctuation and grammatical devices. This is to be handed in on Thursday.


Spelling lists will be given every Tuesday. These are to be kept in their reading packets so they can be taken home each night for regular practice but also are available in school each day. A spelling test will be given on the following Tuesday, to assess progress. 


Tasks will include:

  • Reading – written comment and Reading Plus
  • TT Rockstars – daily for 5-10 minutes
  • Weekly spellings
  • Maths - flashcards focusing on times tables

Mrs Winstanley        Mrs Oakley

Mrs Swift     Mrs Tipping


Year 4 Curriculum
Additional Information
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