Welcome to Year 1.
We have lots of exciting activities, adventures and learning planned for this year and we look forward to working with you all in support of your child’s journey through Key Stage 1.
Please ensure that a water bottle is sent into school every day which will be returned home to be washed and ready for use the following day.
Children can still bring healthy snacks into school for break times, eg: yoghurt, fruit or fruit based snacks. Please ensure these are nut free.
P.E. will take place on Tuesday. Please ensure your child always comes to school in the appropriate kit on this day for them to enjoy and benefit fully from P.E. activities
Throughout the year, in Science, the children will be learning about seasonal changes and are, therefore, encouraged to bring in items for our ‘Investigation Area’ to support this. Our topic this term is ‘Animals (Including Humans)’.
In Geography, we will be using simple maps, the children will learn more about their local area. They will have the opportunity to explore features of the landscape and the significance of some buildings. To support this you could you point out local features your child might see on the way to school, e.g., shops, railway lines, parks, etc.. It would be helpful if your child knows their address.
Food Tasting and Smelling
The children may be given the opportunity to experience a variety of foods over the year, particularly in DT when we will be looking forward to making a fruit salad in the summer term. We will send out a form closer to the time for you to inform us of any allergies.
It is vital that you read with your child every day and comment in your child’s reading in the Reading Record book. This will to help them become a confident and fluent reader. Your child’s book will not be changed unless there is a comment showing they have read with an adult. Your child’s reading book will be changed once a week.
After October half term, your child will be given spellings to practise on a regular basis. Please help them to practise these throughout the week.
Thank you for your continued help and support, please do not hesitate to contact us with any further queries.
Twitter - @osj_y1
Mrs Graham Miss Addis
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