Virtual Open Day

Virtual Open Day

Welcome to Orrell St. James' Catholic Primary School.  We hope the videos on this page will help you to understand how fantastic St. James' is as a school and as a community.  Our Prospectus and information around the admissions process can be found here.

Our Year 6 pupils wanted to tell you all about our Seven Golden Threads and how they are evident in everything we do at St. James'!

Our Reception Classes wanted to introduce themselves and show you how much fun they have each and every day! Come and join us and find out!

Our Year 6s will be on hand at our Open Evening to give you a tour of the school and answer any questions you might have. As always, they were eager to help this year! They wanted to express how much they love St. James'!

Ready to Come and Join us? Admissions information for September 2025 can be found here

“We follow in Jesus' footsteps to learn, love, rejoice, grow and forgive together.”

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