English Statement of Intent
The teachers of St. James’ Catholic Primary School say…..
The root skills within English – speaking and listening, reading and writing - are essential for life and learning across the curriculum and beyond. At St. James’ Catholic Primary School, we strive for every child to become a reader and have the skills to be a fluent, imaginative and accurate writer.
We intend to develop children as effective communicators and ensure that they have the verbal skills of negotiation and compromise as well as being able to offer challenge and questioning when co-operating with others. Appropriate verbal interaction is vital in our role as social beings.
We want to instil a love for reading and a value for books so that children will choose to read for pleasure as well as developing their independent learning skills when reading to acquire knowledge and understanding. We recognise that well-balanced individuals have a wealth of vocabulary and word knowledge and that reading contributes greatly to this life requirement.
Being able to understand a range of writing styles and purposes is important for life long literacy knowledge. We want our children to view writing as an interesting and enjoyable process and understand its worth and importance in the future lives.
The children of St. James’ Catholic Primary School say…..
“I like reading because it helps me when I do my writing. I also like it because it helps me get better at spellings. Reading is good because it gives you a wide variety of vocabulary.”
“I like reading because it can be used in different ways – it can be informative, imaginary, enticing, terrifying, nervy and it can also be sad. Also, it is very good to learn how to read because it can help you build something by reading instructions and can help you with SPAG. It can also help you get a job when you’re older.”
“I love reading because it inspires me to become an author and I feel like I’m in my own world.”
“Reading can take you in and make you feel like you are a part of the story. It is a great way to gain knowledge. Reading is a life skill; every day you read hundreds or thousands of things.”
“I like English because it helps your GCSE and in the future if you want to become an author or write letters. I like writing because it helps me get better in my vocabulary and writing.”
“I like English because when we did the monster story and poem, we got to design our own monster and its abilities. English helps us by helping us understand things more when it’s based on a topic. It also helps us get into another person’s perspective.”
“I like English because I enjoy using my imagination to write stories, diaries and fact sheets. English helps us/me because it helps us have a wider variety of vocabulary and how to use the correct verb tense. It also helps us to learn how to spell words.”
English Texts Long Term Plan
English Writing Genres Long Term Plan
English Policies
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