Welcome to Year 2. We have included all the information that we feel is relevant for parents of children in Year 2, but if you have any further queries please email: year2homelink@osjschool.uk
For regular updates on what’s happening in Year 2 follow us on Twitter: @OSJ_Y2
Year 2 P.E. is on Tuesday morning. (We will notify you if this changes.)
On their P.E. day your child should attend school in their full PE kit (trainers – which your child must be able to fasten by themselves; white polo shirt; navy/black tracksuit bottoms, shorts, or leggings and a navy sweatshirt, hoodie or school jumper/cardigan).
Your child needs a waterproof coat, with a hood, for school. Even in the summer term it is wise to be fully prepared for the disappointing British weather!
School Book Bags
Your child should bring their book bag to school every day so that snacks, letters, and books can be carried easily. (Please let your child know if there is anything in their bag that needs to be handed to the teacher, as children’s bags are not checked by school staff.)
Water Bottles
Please send your child with a freshly filled bottle of water each day.
Please read with your child every day and comment on your child’s reading in the Reading Record Book. If your child has read their school books, please encourage them to read their own books or library books, these can also be commented on in the Reading Record Book.
When reading with your child please consider and comment on the following:
It is as important to discuss your child’s book with them as it is to listen to them reading the words.
School reading books will be changed once a week.
Additional homework tasks
Through the Seesaw platform, children may also be guided towards activities to fulfil homework requirements for a variety of curriculum areas. Children will be advised when they need to complete additional work, and this will be monitored by staff.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss McCormick and Mrs Roscoe
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