Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages

MFL Statement of Intent

The teachers of St. James’ Catholic Primary School say…..

As well as inspiring a generation of young linguists, our French curriculum will give children an interest and a firm understanding of the culture and lifestyle of other countries. It will help to develop their curiosity in the structure and use of another language and give them the opportunity to be excited about the world around them.

At St James’ the French curriculum is delivered by a specialist language teacher whose specific aim is to introduce young children to another language in a way which is both enjoyable and interesting whilst also making it accessible to all pupils.

Developing communication skills which allow children to develop the confidence to express themselves in a wide variety of contexts, is a major part of learning a foreign language. There is of course a major emphasis on speaking and listening through direct questioning, listening to pupil dialogues and correcting pronunciation. Traditional songs, stories and rhymes are used in lessons to help pupils explore the patterns and sounds of language. 

Obviously, learning a foreign language for the first time presents challenges as well as exciting opportunities. It also presents the ideal opportunity for children to develop their resilience. Along with guidance, we continually strive to encourage a ‘can do’ attitude and the will to persevere as children take progressive steps on their learning journey. 

This in turn will help to create an environment where children are encouraged to take a more independent approach to their learning. When they are ready, they will be encouraged to ‘have a go’ themselves and maintain their focus for increasing periods of time. 

Children will also be given the opportunity to reflect, review and celebrate their learning within lessons and at the end of each topic. 

We believe that our French curriculum, delivered to every child throughout Key Stage 2, will give each child a firm foundation which will help them transition successfully to KS3 and continue to develop and deepen their linguistic skills and cultural understanding.

The children of St. James’ Catholic Primary School say…..

“French is important so that we can communicate with people who speak French. It also comes in handy for going on holiday!”

“I think it is fun learning a different language.”

“I really enjoy our French lessons, especially learning songs and speaking to each other in French.”

“I like learning French and I like learning about France and the people who live there.”

MFL Long Term Plan

MFL Skills Progression

MFL Policy

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