Old Mission Statement


We achieve the aims of our Mission Statement by: 

  • Promoting within each child a positive self image.
  • Encouraging and sustaining each child’s natural curiosity and spontaneity, promoting the development of a lively, enquiring mind through involvement in a variety of relevant and challenging first-hand experiences.
  • Enabling children to acquire and develop a range of skills and concepts, with the ability to apply these in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Developing children’s ability to use all forms of communication, recognise purpose and choose the most appropriate medium in which to express themselves.
  • Encouraging all children to live in social harmony; to have respect and tolerance of other races, religions and cultures and to understand the world in which they live.
  • Helping children to formulate a code of moral values and understand the ways in which their actions and decisions affect others.
  • Developing the ability and willingness to co-operate with others and recognise the interdependence of human relationships.
  • Helping children to find pleasure in the exploration of their imagination, senses and feelings, and by providing a full range of creative experiences.
  • Promoting all aspects of the physical and emotional well being of each child.
All children have an equal Entitlement to the above.


working together
to achieve excellence through a broad,
balanced and challenging curriculum
enabling all in St. James’ to:


Children's Mission Statement

We should:

  • Learn to live and play together nicely as one big happy family
  • Show that we respect each other by caring and being polite and by listening to others views and opinions
  • Treat each other as we would want to be treated and share our games and belongings
  • Always try our best to learn as much as we can and to complete our homework
  2. THINK
  • Be smart and cheerful and help to keep our school clean and tidy
  • Keep St. James’ a happy school by learning to forgive and staying friends with everyone
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